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PICT - Pairwise testing tool for windows(Command-line) 본문


PICT - Pairwise testing tool for windows(Command-line)

mace-lifelog 2011. 6. 14. 23:05

위의 파일을 다운로드 받아 설치한 뒤에, 
 pair를 이루는 원소 항목을 txt로 저장하고, 도스 프롬프트에서 명령어를 입력하면 된다.

매우 간편하게 pairwise 경우를 구할 수 있는 툴.
적당한 옵션을 통하여, 결과값을 txt나 xls등으로 저장할 수 있어 더욱 유용하다.

C:\>pict test.txt

아래는 원본 매뉴얼.

PICT 3.3 User’s Guide

Jacek Czerwonka, Test Lead, Microsoft Corporation

Overview.. 1

Using PICT to Combine Test Case Parameters. 2

Running PICT. 2

Model Files. 3

Model Sections. 3

Simple Model 3

Pairwise and Higher-Order Generation. 4

Sub-Models. 4

Model Options. 5

Constraints. 5

Conditional Constraints. 6

Unconditional Constraints (Invariants) 7

Parameter Types. 7

Aliasing. 7

Negative Testing. 8

Weighting. 10

Seeding. 10

Output Randomization. 12

Minimizing the Number of Test Cases. 12

Case Sensitivity. 12

Output Format 12

Warning Messages. 13

All or no values satisfy relation…... 13

Restrictive constraints. Output will not contain following values…... 13

Sample Models. 13

Complete Model File for the Volume Partitioning Example. 13

Model to Test Hardware Configurations. 14

Constraints Syntax Examples. 15


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